This related with VarAC with digipeater functionality. The digipeater field need to be completed at VARA FM Setup ?
Or is sufficient to just add in VarAC Settings? BTW, If VarAC / VARA FM detects a signal strong enough will it handle via digipeater settings or via simplex?
Not sure I understand your use case but If I got it right - the answer is yes.
You can have a VARA FM configured also as a digpeater... Where you can use your VarAC with this VARA FM to connect to others but when you are idle, your VARA FM will act as a digipeater.
When doing so - you will see your VaraVM like this:
your callsigns apears when VarAC connect your modem so you can start connect others and others can connect you
It also shows its digipeater callsign which will kick in while you are idle
Only if you want your varafm to act as a digpeater.