Hello everybody. I would like to use Vara on QO-100, so I downloaded the Varac Sat modem, I configured it for it, and when I launch Vara, it opens the Varac Sat modem, but it closes it right away saying: "This version requires VARA 4.8.7. Please update your VARA modem. Disconnecting VARA modem". But version 4.8.7 concerns the HF modem, and not the SAT modem of which I have the latest version.
Does anyone have a solution, thanks in advance.
Michel F6GLJ

Where is the Sat Modem located, I want to download it.
Took some time but visual bug is now fixed. will be out in V10.3
The bug is in the message. but you need to upgrade your VARA Sat to the latest version - at least 4.4.3
Can you send a screenshot of VarAC's settings for VARA??