Good Afternoon,
I recently updated to V9.2.3 and have noticed that after the first beacon the timer will countdown as normal but will not TX. The Datastream shows "Sending Beacon" and the counter restarts. I am using a IC-7300. all rig controls work as normal (tune, band selection)
Thanks for any insight
UPDATE...... I had some time to look into this further, I could not find anything. I did noticed that the Vara modem was trying to send but would not key so the program and modem were talking to each other. It does seem that it would drop the Com port after the first beacon but if I would turn off the beacon and turn it back on it would act normal for the first beacon and drop the Com port again. Anyway I am glad to report that it has seemed to fix itself. not sure if windows was doing something in the back ground or what. Thanks for those that had input on the matter.
Hi Charles
I can assure that no change was made around beacons.
The largest user base we have is hams with IC-7300 (including myself) and there was no other report.
I suspect another program is competing over your COMPORT and locking you out of sending CAT commands.
If this is the case - it will also reflect in other places - like in TUNE or change freq.
Charles -
I am also running an IC-7300, VarAC v9.23, and VaraHF v4.8.7. I have tried several times, and cannot re-create your problem. It works fine for me. Perhaps a rig setting or connection? Are you getting stray RFI into the computer? Try reducing power on the 7300 to bare minimum.
In order for beacon to function you must be in slot 0 being main channel.