I just signed up for this site today using Facebook credentials. But now I'm getting a strange notification from Facebook whenever I login with a different device. I'd like to change my login to another type if possible. Don't want to create a new account to do it.
Here's the notification from Facebook. I've received it twice now.
Removed on Sep 27, 2022
Your connections with User Login have been removed by you, Facebook, or User Login. Note that User Login can no longer access the non-public information you previously shared with it through these connections, but it may still have non-public information it accessed while the connections were active. To request that the app delete all the information it has from when your connections were active, review its Privacy Policy for details and contact information. If you contact User Login to remove your info, you may need your User ID for this connection:10228339171094304
Logged in with Facebook
Removed on Sep 27, 2022
A login method can not be changed. An account is attached to a facebook profile in your case. You would need to logout and signup differently to a new account with your preferred method.