VarAC is very grid-down, but it is reasonable to have enhancing features that use the Internet when available. I'd like to see more Internet enhanced features or even third-party companion apps to VarAC.
Nope, don't remember that as I just started a few days ago with ver 4.16. hi hi.
How are the lists of Last Heard Beacons and Last Heard CQ's and the emails/messages stored and distributed? Not trying to be negative here, just wanting to know how it all works and what we loose when the internet goes down.
They are stored locally by what each station hears. Other stations can query the list only by RF. As noted the only internet links are the QRZ lookup and PSKReporter, all optional and all recent add-ons. VarAC is truly and off-the -grid program.
VarAC is very grid-down, but it is reasonable to have enhancing features that use the Internet when available. I'd like to see more Internet enhanced features or even third-party companion apps to VarAC.
Remember VarAC was working very well before the PSKReporter and QRZ options were added as add-on features.
VarAC is built for off grid. It does no rely on the internet to work. The only thing that would not work obviously is the PSK REPORTER uploads.