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Forum Posts

Bernard, HB9ALH
Nov 06, 2024
In VarAC - HF discussion forum
For Stations which are not working from their home QTH , the country prefix is not shown in the Beacon list. Example: I7/KJ4YBS shows in the Beacon list only as KJ4YBS. See appendix. I consider this as quite confusing. The beacon list shows excellent S/N figures in Europe for an US Station. But in fact the station sits in Italy. Would it be a possibility to include also temporary country Prefix as " IT7/ " in the Beacon Table? Thanks for considering this case. 73 de Bernard
Bernard, HB9ALH
Aug 01, 2023
In VarAC - HF discussion forum
In VarAC you can check your connections from the menu under "Logs > QSO Logs (ADIF)" However the table is difficult to read. I found a very simple Program for reading ADIF files here, called ADIF Master. One's you have intalled the "ADIF Master" you can even tell windows, to open this program automatically, when you chlick on the VarAC QSO Log menu command. Good luck and enjoy. 73 de Bernard
Bernard, HB9ALH
Jul 27, 2023
In Feature requests
It happens to me quite often that I am connected to a Station and I want to initiate a QSY. The only way is to go to "QSY" (on the right side of the screen) and klicking on the arrow "up" or "down". To go to slot 13 for example I need to click 3 times which innitiates 3 QSY- requests to the other station. I would suggest to skip the arrows "up" and "down" and to do only a butten "QSY" When klicking on the "QSY" button, then a "Slot Selector" shoud apppear. With this I would have full freedom to select a free slot, as I can use the Slot Sniffer. I guess these "up" and "down" arrows remain from oder Software reeases. Now, as you have introduced this marvelous QSY-feature in the CQ-process, it is time to adapt also the QSY-feature while already connected to a station. If I connect to a station where the operator is away, this procedure works already for delivering a VMail. Many thanks for this terrific new digital Application. I am absolutely thrilled with this new mode.
Bernard, HB9ALH
Jan 23, 2023
In VarAC - HF discussion forum
When the VMail has a certain length, I will not be able to transmit it to another Station which is not occupied, because I get into the Timeout of the 3 Minutes on the calling frequency. Is there away I could "force" a QSY on the counter-station, even if the station is not manned?
Bernard, HB9ALH
Nov 19, 2022
In Feature requests - Released
Hello Irad It would be nice if the green progress bar would have a different color for receiving Messages/Files and for sending Messages/Files. I learned that on the end of the bar there is a text indicating Idle, Send or Receive status. Why not making it similar as on the VARA program: Green: > Receiving Read: > Sending I found myself many times in doubt if I am actually receiving or if I am sending. Probably a little thing, which would help keep the overview of what happens. Thanks for the great program. It's real fun! 73 de Bernard, HB9ALH
Bernard, HB9ALH
Nov 04, 2022
In Feature requests - Released
the VMail functionality is great. But VMail could be too long to be transmittedon the calling frequency. So, when the receiving station is not occupied ("I am away" switched on ), the sender should be able to initiate a QSY after connection, and the receiving station should follow the QSY request automatically. This process would free up occupation time on the calling frequency. Of course the receiving station should then go back to the calling frequency automatically, just after the delivery of the VMail.
Bernard, HB9ALH
Jul 31, 2022
In VarAC - HF discussion forum
I am trying to find out where the received files are stored. But I couldn't find them up to now. Thanks for help 73 de Bernard, Hb9ALH
Bernard, HB9ALH
Jun 28, 2022
In Bugs - Archive
When my IC7610 is manually set to 500 Hz bandwidth (narrow band) and I do a QSY, the bandwidth changes to max. bandwidth (2.9 kHz). Not a disaster, but annoying. I guess CAT should not influence the actual Bandwidth setting when doing QSY. Thanks for the excellent new mode. Well thought out.

Bernard, HB9ALH

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