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Forum Posts

Jan 19, 2023
In VarAC - HF discussion forum
It is quite disgusting if you are calling a beaconing station which is replying with a report and “away” status and this perhaps for 7/24. Please note that this comment is only for stations in a continuous “away” -status. I perceive it as someone targeting to log a VarAC contact as a Data- QSO in an easy fashion. Well, it is not really a QSO isn't it? Perhaps beaconing stations in a continuous “away” status shall be handled differently. Would appreciate your comment on captioned topic.
Jan 12, 2023
In VarAC - HF discussion forum
Since I do not want to occupy the calling freq, is it possible to connect to a baeconing station using a free frequency slot? I've tried it several times without success. Perhaps I am wrong, but it looks like that the modem doesn't recognize your connection request e.g. when you are sitting on slot 2 (which is free) and whereby the other station sits on the calling frequency. Would appreciate if someone could clarify captioned topic.


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