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KJ7ROX - Rick
Apr 24, 2024
In Feature requests
Version 9.1 added EmComm mode! Thanks Irad!
and I see that templates for forms can be added to an .ini file.
I did a test with a friend where I used Flmsg to create an ICS-213 (formatted) form and saved to a file with Flmsg and then sent that tiny file during a VarAC connected session. It worked well, but was a bit clunky to save and find the file.
It would seem to me that since the forms library in Flmsg is maintained by others, that interfacing VarAC with Flmsg would un-burden the VarAC team from maintaining a library of templates as well as presenting a way to send fully formatted forms.
Thanks for your focus on EmComm, Irad!
73... Rick KJ7ROX
KJ7ROX - Rick
Dec 21, 2023
In VarAC - HF discussion forum
Something strange happened today. I was in a broadcast-only QSO with K6NLX and he let me know that comments that were appearing with his callsign were not his. Then we connected and again the comments were not entered by 'the real K6NLX'. We ended the qso and had a phone call. I guess that someone who sees traffic simply has to eroneously add another's callsign and then can join in on a qso??? I didn't think a connection could be more than 2 VarAC stations.
We were using a non-standard calling frequency (7.085) that my local EmComm group uses for a VarAC net in the morning.
Does this make sense? It actually happened. Are there any files/logs that would yield any useful evidence?
KJ7ROX - Rick
Jun 01, 2023
In VarAC - HF discussion forum
I am not sure if this is a VarAC issue or a PSK Reporter issue. I went on a trip to Michigan and operated VarAC there using the correct QTH & Locator for my temporary location. All worked well while I was there. I came home to Arizona this week and now when I click on the PSK Rep Map button it shows me in both QTHs. I checked my VarAC settings and I have the correct location info. (I was using a different radio and computer while in Michigan also).
So... Is there something different I should do when operating at a different QTH in the future? ...possibly using a tactical suffix to my callsign? Here is a screenshot of my present (Home QTH) VarAC settings and a screenshot of what I am seeing today on PSK REP.
73... Rick KJ7ROX
KJ7ROX - Rick
Feb 27, 2023
In Feature requests
I realize that there are a couple of posts on this subject - I would like to add another use-case in addition to EmComm (for which I think this would be VERY useful): Sailors on yachts that rely on HF for communications could use VarAC if it gave them the easy ability to send a position report without transcribing GPS coordinates into a message. Some yachters are using JS8Call for this currently, but if VarAC had a GPS connection, it would be a much more useful tool.
KJ7ROX - Rick
Feb 09, 2023
In VarAC - HF discussion forum
My purpose: to add an additional VarAC frequency choice which could be used for EMComm or other local purpose without 'hogging' the standard VarAC freq. - I tried adding 7.050.000 to VarAC_frequencies.conf at the bottom of the list - as did my test buddy - We both selected 7.050.000 and I started beacons. I also sent a broadcast text. - My test buddy received the beacon and test, but I did not receive his and I did not see his transmission on either the VarAC waterfall or on my radio's waterfall. ( I am using FT-991A). It seemed to work only in one direction. I suspected something on his end, but we could find nothing strange and when we returned to the standard 7.105.000 VarAC freq everything worked normally. My test buddy was using a Kenwood TS-2000 with SignaLink. - I tried again with another friend, this time using 7.085.000 ( avoiding some other common digital modes). Different test buddy and similar one-way results. Is there something else I need to change in settings in order to use a custom frequency in VarAC_frequencies.conf ? Thanks for producing such a useful tool! Rick Lovdahl KJ7ROX
KJ7ROX - Rick
Jan 30, 2023
In Feature requests - Released
I can see that I can broadcast to 'ALL' or to a specific callsign. Is it possible to send a broadcast message to a set of defined callsigns? That would seem to be a great EMComm feature! Thanks for an amazing tool!
KJ7ROX - Rick
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