Hi to all in the group.
Apologies if i've posted this to the wrong group, but I hope this will reach a larger audience on the HF forum.
I've set up the extension VarAc Bot on my PC running VarAc + Vara software. I have created a Bot and successfully
linked it to VarAc Bot (My Bot on Telegram reports 'Bot is online!' when I start the software).
Try as I might, I receive no updates on Telegram from it when VarAc hears a new brodcast, CQ, Vmail, etc.
The file, varac.db is present in the program folder which I believe is needed for the program to work.
Has anyone on the forum had success with this extension, and if so, what did you do to get it working.
Thanks in advance,
Ian G4ZJH.
Ites best to contact directly the VarAC Bot author. I am sure he will be happy to assist. you can find his callsign on the Bot download page.