I am enjoying the VarAC application quite a bit, but I miss having the Panadaptor Display the SDRPlay and SDRUno provide. I'm using a Yaesu FTdx-3000 with the SDRPlay taking its signal from the FTdx's IF output (or maybe it is the Antenna Receive Output) but with the SDRPlay, SDRUno, Ham Radio Deluxe, OmniRig and a virtual serial port emulator I am able to run both Ham Radio Deluxe and SDRUno at the same time and have full control of the transceiver from either HRD or the SDRUno's Windows on my computer.
VarAC has options for running with OmniRig so I thought it might be able to share the FTdx-3000's com port with the other applications in some fashion so that I can have all of these programs running and talking back and forth to the FTdx-3000 at the same time.
Has anyone undertaken figuring out how to do this, assuming it is possible?
But the SDRPlay is only a receiver. So are you using the FTDX3000 to process the audio or the SDRPlay? The SDRplay should just be providing the pan that you wanted with the 3000 doing the TX and RX to VarAC.