For broadcast to work you need to make sure the VARA modem you have, both support the KISS protocol update, and that your firewall does not block the KISS port.
Follow these guidelines one by one to find out which one resolves your issue.
Make sure you updated VARA HF 4.6.7 (of VARA FM 4.2.6 for FM users).
Make sure you update VarAC V6.3.3
Try running VarAC & VARA in administrator mode (right click VarAC.exe / Vara.exe --> Run as administrator"). This will bypass your default firewall rules.
Make sure your KISS port of your VARA modem is not blocked by the firewall (default is 8100 unless you changed it). See first comment on this post for details about setting it.
If using a VARA Monitor instance - make sure you set the following parameters on the VARA Monitoring instance vara.ini file to avoid it competing on the same port as the main VARA:
Enable KISS=0
KISS Port=0
Make sure the VarAC Kiss port (under settings) is the same as the VARA modem KISS port (under VARA settings)
Make sure no other VarAC.exe processes are running in the background blocking the VARA ports. Use the task manager to kill them.
Here is how Henrik Bo Carisen sorted it out with his firewall. CLICK HERE
Many users use Broadcasts. If it doesn't work it is a pure local permission/network issue that you will need to resolve.
The community is here to support if needed.
Irad 4Z1AC
Broadcast not working for me, I get the below because I have Winlink installed, I will uninstall it and see if that restores KISS functionality.