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Still no success on Linux Mint 21.2 Victoria 64-bit
In VarAC - HF discussion forum
Still no success on Linux Mint 21.2 Victoria 64-bit
In VarAC - HF discussion forum
VARA - VaraC no Message to see
In VarAC on Linux/Pi/Mac
Aug 02, 2023
Latest LOG I think the Problem is not VARA or VaraC - Problem is some communication internal is denied. Any dll from .net maybe wrong Version or denied by Linux ----------------------------------------------------------------- 02/08/2023 12:51:17 - Starting VarAC (V7.0.8) 02/08/2023 12:51:17 - OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 02/08/2023 12:51:17 - Debug mode enabled 02/08/2023 12:51:17 - Loading COM Port configuration from ini file 02/08/2023 12:51:17 - Loading Cat Commands configuration from ini file 02/08/2023 12:51:17 - Loading Rig Control Commands from ini file 02/08/2023 12:51:17 - Loading OmniRig configuration from ini file 02/08/2023 12:51:17 - PTT OFF Flrig - Send command to Flrig 02/08/2023 12:51:17 - Loading DTR_RTS Port configuration from ini file 02/08/2023 12:51:17 - Loading VARA modem configuration from ini file 02/08/2023 12:51:17 - Loading My Info file 02/08/2023 12:51:17 - FREQ Schedule off 02/08/2023 12:51:17 - Loading parking schedule 02/08/2023 12:51:17 - Loading alert tags 02/08/2023 12:51:17 - VarAC current screen position: Position X:606 Position Y:46 02/08/2023 12:51:17 - Screen 0 working area: Left:0 Right:1600 Top:0 Bottom:863 02/08/2023 12:51:18 - Locating Misc configuration from ini file 02/08/2023 12:51:18 - Enabling VMail relay notification engine 02/08/2023 12:51:18 - Refreshing mailbox counters. 02/08/2023 12:51:18 - DB: SELECT folder_id as folder_id, count(*) as cnt FROM vmail WHERE is_deleted = false GROUP BY folder_id UNION ALL SELECT 0 as folder_id, count(*) as cnt FROM vmail WHERE folder_id = 1 AND read_status = false AND is_deleted = false; 02/08/2023 12:51:18 - DB: SELECT count(*) as waiting_relay_notifications from vmail_relay_notification where is_deleted = 0 02/08/2023 12:51:18 - End of Load_configuration 02/08/2023 12:51:18 - Opening DB connection 02/08/2023 12:51:18 - DB: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS parameter (parameter_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,parameter_name TEXT NOT NULL,parameter_value TEXT NOT NULL) 02/08/2023 12:51:18 - DB: SELECT parameter_value as parameter_value FROM parameter WHERE parameter_id = 1 02/08/2023 12:51:18 - Current VarAC DB version: 6 02/08/2023 12:51:18 - Resetting last activity time (Reason: Moving app on screen) 02/08/2023 12:51:18 - Setting form position to: X=606 Y=46 02/08/2023 12:51:18 - Change splitter distance:58 02/08/2023 12:51:18 - PTT OFF Flrig - Send command to Flrig 02/08/2023 12:51:18 - Resetting last activity time (Reason: VARAHF connect) 02/08/2023 12:51:18 - Running VARA modems 02/08/2023 12:51:18 - Starting button_connect_varahf_Click 02/08/2023 12:51:18 - Starting Run_varahf_modems 02/08/2023 12:51:18 - Starting main VARA Modem 02/08/2023 12:51:18 - End of Run_varahf_modems 02/08/2023 12:51:21 - Connecting VARA Main Modem Command interface... 02/08/2023 12:51:21 - Connecting VARA Main Modem data stream... 02/08/2023 12:51:21 - Connecting VARA Main Modem KISS Command interface... 02/08/2023 12:51:21 - Connecting VARA Monitor Modem Command interface... 02/08/2023 12:51:21 - Connecting VARA Monitor Modem data stream... 02/08/2023 12:51:21 - Connected to VARA modem 02/08/2023 12:51:21 - Starting command_stream_listener_thread 02/08/2023 12:51:21 - Starting kiss_stream_listener_thread 02/08/2023 12:51:21 - Startig RadioButton_BW500hz_Click 02/08/2023 12:51:21 - Starting write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:21 - Writing event to command stream log 02/08/2023 12:51:21 - End of write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:21 - Error: Unable to send command to VARA modem. Disconnecitng modem. 02/08/2023 12:51:21 - The operation is not allowed on non-connected sockets. at System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.GetStream() at VarAC.VarAC.command_varahf(TcpClient conn, String command) 02/08/2023 12:51:21 - Restarting VARA modem 1/2 02/08/2023 12:51:21 - Startig button_disconnect_varahf_Click 02/08/2023 12:51:21 - Disconnecting VARA modem... 02/08/2023 12:51:21 - Killing threads 02/08/2023 12:51:21 - Closing VARA modem main command Connections 02/08/2023 12:51:21 - Closing VARA modem main data Connections 02/08/2023 12:51:21 - Closing VARA modem monitor command Connections 02/08/2023 12:51:21 - Closing VARA modem monitor data Connections 02/08/2023 12:51:21 - Killing vara modems 02/08/2023 12:51:21 - Exiting - Kiling VARA modem instances 02/08/2023 12:51:21 - Disconnected! 02/08/2023 12:51:21 - End of button_disconnect_varahf_Click 02/08/2023 12:51:26 - Resetting last activity time (Reason: VARAHF connect) 02/08/2023 12:51:26 - Starting button_connect_varahf_Click 02/08/2023 12:51:26 - Running VARA modems 02/08/2023 12:51:26 - Starting Run_varahf_modems 02/08/2023 12:51:26 - Starting main VARA Modem 02/08/2023 12:51:26 - End of Run_varahf_modems 02/08/2023 12:51:29 - Connecting VARA Main Modem Command interface... 02/08/2023 12:51:29 - Connecting VARA Main Modem data stream... 02/08/2023 12:51:29 - Connecting VARA Main Modem KISS Command interface... 02/08/2023 12:51:29 - Connecting VARA Monitor Modem Command interface... 02/08/2023 12:51:29 - Connecting VARA Monitor Modem data stream... 02/08/2023 12:51:29 - Connected to VARA modem 02/08/2023 12:51:29 - Starting command_stream_listener_thread 02/08/2023 12:51:29 - Starting kiss_stream_listener_thread 02/08/2023 12:51:29 - Startig RadioButton_BW500hz_Click 02/08/2023 12:51:29 - Writing event to command stream log 02/08/2023 12:51:29 - End of write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:29 - The operation is not allowed on non-connected sockets. at System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.GetStream() at VarAC.VarAC.command_varahf(TcpClient conn, String command) 02/08/2023 12:51:29 - Error: Unable to send command to VARA modem. Disconnecitng modem. 02/08/2023 12:51:29 - Starting write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:29 - Startig button_disconnect_varahf_Click 02/08/2023 12:51:29 - Restarting VARA modem 2/2 02/08/2023 12:51:29 - Disconnecting VARA modem... 02/08/2023 12:51:29 - Killing threads 02/08/2023 12:51:29 - Closing VARA modem main command Connections 02/08/2023 12:51:29 - Closing VARA modem main data Connections 02/08/2023 12:51:29 - Closing VARA modem monitor command Connections 02/08/2023 12:51:29 - Closing VARA modem monitor data Connections 02/08/2023 12:51:29 - Killing vara modems 02/08/2023 12:51:29 - Exiting - Kiling VARA modem instances 02/08/2023 12:51:29 - Disconnected! 02/08/2023 12:51:29 - End of button_disconnect_varahf_Click 02/08/2023 12:51:34 - Resetting last activity time (Reason: VARAHF connect) 02/08/2023 12:51:34 - Starting button_connect_varahf_Click 02/08/2023 12:51:34 - Running VARA modems 02/08/2023 12:51:34 - Starting Run_varahf_modems 02/08/2023 12:51:34 - Starting main VARA Modem 02/08/2023 12:51:34 - End of Run_varahf_modems 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Connecting VARA Main Modem Command interface... 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Connecting VARA Main Modem data stream... 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Connecting VARA Main Modem KISS Command interface... 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Connecting VARA Monitor Modem Command interface... 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Connecting VARA Monitor Modem data stream... 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Connected to VARA modem 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Starting command_stream_listener_thread 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Starting kiss_stream_listener_thread 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Startig RadioButton_BW500hz_Click 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Writing event to command stream log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Error: Unable to send command to VARA modem. Disconnecitng modem. 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - End of write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Starting write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Starting write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Writing event to command stream log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - End of write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Setting VARA Modem LISTEN ON 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Starting write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - The operation is not allowed on non-connected sockets. at System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.GetStream() at VarAC.VarAC.command_varahf(TcpClient conn, String command) 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Setting VARA Modem CHAT ON 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - End of write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Setting VARA Modem LISTEN CQ 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Starting write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Writing event to command stream log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - End of write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Writing event to command stream log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - End of write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Setting VARA Modem MYCALL 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Starting write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Writing event to command stream log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - End of write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Setting Bandwith to 500Hz 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - checking VARA version 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Writing event to command stream log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Starting write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Starting data_stream_listener_thread 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - End of button_connect_varahf_Click 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Setting Bandwith to 500Hz 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Setting VARA Modem CHAT ON 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Starting write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Writing event to command stream log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - End of write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Starting write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Setting VARA Modem LISTEN ON 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Writing event to command stream log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Setting VARA Modem LISTEN CQ 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Starting write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - End of write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Writing event to command stream log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - End of write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Setting VARA Modem MYCALL 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Starting write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Writing event to command stream log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Writing event to command stream log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - checking VARA version 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Starting data_stream_listener_thread 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - End of write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - End of write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Starting write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - End of button_connect_varahf_Click 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Setting Bandwith to 500Hz 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Starting write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Setting VARA Modem CHAT ON 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Writing event to command stream log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - End of write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Writing event to command stream log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Setting VARA Modem LISTEN ON 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Starting write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - End of write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Setting VARA Modem LISTEN CQ 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Starting write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Starting write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Writing event to command stream log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Writing event to command stream log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - End of write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Starting write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Setting VARA Modem MYCALL 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - End of write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - checking VARA version 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Starting data_stream_listener_thread 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - End of write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Writing event to command stream log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - End of button_connect_varahf_Click 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Change frequency: to last frequency used before shutdown. 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Change combobox freq text to: 14.105.000 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Playing sound: Frequency change 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - DB: SELECT cqframe_time, cqframe_type_id, frequency, bandwidth, from_callsign, snr, slot FROM cqframe WHERE cqframe_time > datetime('now', '-12 hours') ORDER BY cqframe_time asc 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - DB: SELECT guid, broadcast_time, frequency, from_callsign, to_callsign, via_callsign, broadcast_message, snr FROM broadcast WHERE broadcast_time > datetime('now', '-24 hours') ORDER BY broadcast_time asc 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - VarAC base directory: C:\VARAFLR\ 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Resetting last activity time (Reason: Application start) 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Form activated 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Starting write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Writing event to command stream log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - End of write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Change combobox freq color 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Change combobox freq color 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Change combobox freq color 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Error: Unable to read data from command stream of VARA modem. Disconnecitng modem command stream. 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Error: Unable to read data from KISS stream of VARA modem. Disconnecitng modem KISS port. Check your KISS port configuration and make sure it is not blocked by the firewall. 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Error: Unable to read data from command stream of VARA modem. Disconnecitng modem command stream. 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Error: Unable to read data from KISS stream of VARA modem. Disconnecitng modem KISS port. Check your KISS port configuration and make sure it is not blocked by the firewall. 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - The operation is not allowed on non-connected sockets. at System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.GetStream() at VarAC.VarAC.b__680_1() 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - The operation is not allowed on non-connected sockets. at System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.GetStream() at VarAC.VarAC.b__680_1() 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Thread was being aborted. at System.Net.UnsafeNclNativeMethods.OSSOCK.recv(IntPtr socketHandle, Byte* pinnedBuffer, Int32 len, SocketFlags socketFlags) at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags, SocketError& errorCode) at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags) at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) at VarAC.VarAC.b__680_0() 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Thread was being aborted. at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOneNative(SafeHandle waitableSafeHandle, UInt32 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean hasThreadAffinity, Boolean exitContext) at System.Threading.WaitHandle.InternalWaitOne(SafeHandle waitableSafeHandle, Int64 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean hasThreadAffinity, Boolean exitContext) at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean exitContext) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WaitForWaitHandle(WaitHandle waitHandle) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.MarshaledInvoke(Control caller, Delegate method, Object[] args, Boolean synchronous) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invoke(Delegate method, Object[] args) at VarAC.VarAC.write_command_stream_log(String msg) at VarAC.VarAC.b__680_0() 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Starting write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - Writing event to command stream log 02/08/2023 12:51:37 - End of write_command_stream_log 02/08/2023 12:51:38 - Change combobox freq color 02/08/2023 12:51:38 - Change combobox freq color 02/08/2023 12:51:38 - Change combobox freq color 02/08/2023 12:51:39 - Change combobox freq color 02/08/2023 12:51:40 - Form activated
VARA - VaraC no Message to see
In VarAC on Linux/Pi/Mac
Aug 01, 2023
Now latest: I went back Version and Version (I do not remeber which constellation was working must be in March-June. Sometimes an error occours and the Varac LOG says: I assume has something to do with .net Framework (incompatibility or so). 01/08/2023 17:46:29 - Starting VarAC (V6.6.13) 01/08/2023 17:46:29 - OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 01/08/2023 17:46:29 - Debug mode disabled 01/08/2023 17:46:30 - FREQ Schedule off 01/08/2023 17:46:30 - Opening DB connection 01/08/2023 17:46:30 - Current VarAC DB version: 6 01/08/2023 17:46:35 - Connecting VARA Main Modem Command interface... 01/08/2023 17:46:35 - Connecting VARA Main Modem data stream... 01/08/2023 17:46:35 - Connecting VARA Main Modem KISS Command interface... 01/08/2023 17:46:35 - Connecting VARA Monitor Modem Command interface... 01/08/2023 17:46:35 - Connecting VARA Monitor Modem data stream... 01/08/2023 17:46:35 - Connected to VARA modem 01/08/2023 17:46:35 - Error: Unable to send command to VARA modem. Disconnecitng modem. 01/08/2023 17:46:35 - The operation is not allowed on non-connected sockets. at System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.GetStream() at VarAC.VarAC.command_varahf(TcpClient conn, String command) 01/08/2023 17:46:35 - Restarting VARA modem 1/2 01/08/2023 17:46:35 - Disconnecting VARA modem... 01/08/2023 17:46:35 - Disconnected! 01/08/2023 17:46:45 - Connecting VARA Main Modem Command interface... 01/08/2023 17:46:45 - Connecting VARA Main Modem data stream... 01/08/2023 17:46:45 - Connecting VARA Main Modem KISS Command interface... 01/08/2023 17:46:45 - Connecting VARA Monitor Modem Command interface... 01/08/2023 17:46:45 - Connecting VARA Monitor Modem data stream... 01/08/2023 17:46:45 - Connected to VARA modem 01/08/2023 17:46:45 - Error: Unable to send command to VARA modem. Disconnecitng modem. 01/08/2023 17:46:45 - The operation is not allowed on non-connected sockets. at System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.GetStream() at VarAC.VarAC.command_varahf(TcpClient conn, String command) 01/08/2023 17:46:45 - Restarting VARA modem 2/2 01/08/2023 17:46:45 - Disconnecting VARA modem... 01/08/2023 17:46:45 - Disconnected! 01/08/2023 17:46:55 - Connecting VARA Main Modem Command interface... 01/08/2023 17:46:55 - Connecting VARA Main Modem data stream... 01/08/2023 17:46:55 - Connecting VARA Main Modem KISS Command interface... 01/08/2023 17:46:55 - Connecting VARA Monitor Modem Command interface... 01/08/2023 17:46:55 - Connecting VARA Monitor Modem data stream... 01/08/2023 17:46:55 - Connected to VARA modem 01/08/2023 17:46:55 - Error: Unable to send command to VARA modem. Disconnecitng modem. 01/08/2023 17:46:55 - The operation is not allowed on non-connected sockets. at System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.GetStream() at VarAC.VarAC.command_varahf(TcpClient conn, String command) 01/08/2023 17:46:55 - Setting Bandwith to 500Hz 01/08/2023 17:46:55 - Setting Bandwith to 500Hz 01/08/2023 17:46:55 - Setting Bandwith to 500Hz 01/08/2023 17:46:55 - Change frequency: to last frequency used before shutdown. 01/08/2023 17:46:55 - VarAC base directory: C:\VARAFLR\ 01/08/2023 17:46:55 - VARA version: VARA HF v4.6.8 01/08/2023 17:46:55 - VARA version: VARA HF v4.6.8 01/08/2023 17:46:55 - VARA version: VARA HF v4.6.8 01/08/2023 17:46:55 - Error: Unable to read data from command stream of VARA modem. Disconnecitng modem command stream. 01/08/2023 17:46:55 - Error: Unable to read data from KISS stream of VARA modem. Disconnecitng modem KISS port. Check your KISS port configuration and make sure it is not blocked by the firewall. 01/08/2023 17:46:55 - Error: Unable to read data from command stream of VARA modem. Disconnecitng modem command stream. 01/08/2023 17:46:55 - Error: Unable to read data from KISS stream of VARA modem. Disconnecitng modem KISS port. Check your KISS port configuration and make sure it is not blocked by the firewall. 01/08/2023 17:46:55 - The operation is not allowed on non-connected sockets. at System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.GetStream() at VarAC.VarAC.b__658_1() 01/08/2023 17:46:56 - The operation is not allowed on non-connected sockets. at System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.GetStream() at VarAC.VarAC.b__658_1() 01/08/2023 17:46:56 - Thread was being aborted. at System.Net.UnsafeNclNativeMethods.OSSOCK.recv(IntPtr socketHandle, Byte* pinnedBuffer, Int32 len, SocketFlags socketFlags) at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags, SocketError& errorCode) at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags) at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) at VarAC.VarAC.b__658_0() 01/08/2023 17:46:56 - Thread was being aborted. at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOneNative(SafeHandle waitableSafeHandle, UInt32 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean hasThreadAffinity, Boolean exitContext) at System.Threading.WaitHandle.InternalWaitOne(SafeHandle waitableSafeHandle, Int64 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean hasThreadAffinity, Boolean exitContext) at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean exitContext) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WaitForWaitHandle(WaitHandle waitHandle) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.MarshaledInvoke(Control caller, Delegate method, Object[] args, Boolean synchronous) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invoke(Delegate method, Object[] args) at VarAC.VarAC.write_command_stream_log(String msg) at VarAC.VarAC.b__658_0()
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