Every access to OmniRig brings up the little dialog that indicated OmniRig is reading the INI file, then I getthe following:
Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'OmniRig.OmniRigX'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{501A2858-3331-467A-837A-989FDEDACC7D}' failed due to the following error: No such interface supported (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE)).
Any idea what that's all about?
When I bring up OmniRig from the menu the menu item I choose is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Omni-Rig V2\ClientDemo2.exe", and that works to control the rig.
However, menu item "C:\Program Files (x86)\Omni-Rig V2\ClientDemo1.exe" looks and acts the same and seems to not work (whatever that is).
I'm still looking into the diff.
ok, so this site HB9RYZ - Swiss Amateur Radio Station - QO-100 - Remote DX-Station Rigi Scheidegg
says - the new HDSDR version v2.8 (March 2020) uses the new OmniRig.
It also says "However, OmniRig v1.19 and OmnirRig v2.1 can run on the same computer at the same time."
That apparently is not true. When I have only the old OmniRig installed (installed last) then the VarAC works fine. But if the new one is installed VarAC uses that. However the latest HDSDR, which I use for my SDR panadapter, uses that.
If I cannot find a way to do both then the panadaptor wins out. I won't give up that for VarAC.
I try re-installing the old one and then VarAC worked, Then I go try HDSDR and it appears it can still find the new one. SO, THE MORAL OF THE STORY APPEARS TO BE THIS:
If you are going to install OmniRig v2 you have to go back and make sure you reinstall OmniRig v1.2 after that.
I must have got some new version of OmniRig. After removing it, then going to the actual creator of OmniRig and installing it all over again, & rebooting, I have the old menu items back, and it works. This is now OmniRig v.1.20, and installs to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Afreet\OmniRig" The other one is V2.x