i'm still struggling with the same issue i posted about earlier. someone said that i should post from time to time if it's not solved because there are new members and new thoughts.
basically, the configurations have been well vetted, yet rig control doesn't work. i'm using an enhanced com port which is the same as my well working wsjt sw for ft8.
i want to thank those who offered suggestions and gave me time. but i'm up against a brick wall and i'm reluctant to quit as i really want to use varac for chat qso's.
thanks for any further thoughts or suggestions
tom wa2uvc
BIG thanks to gary, NC3Z for his help today. i'm up and running. yay!
gary, just emailed
Without seeing your desktop to see firsthand what is going on this is tough to diagnose, there are many FTDX10 users on VarAC.
My last resort is to remote into someone's desktop to diagnose issues, I have done that for more than a few VarAC users. Usually it is a pretty glaring issue and can resolve it quickly.
oh, ps. omnirig doesn't work either