Just downloaded - working with Flrig on FT 3000 - called cq a few times- I can hear activity but can't see any printing on the screen
Should I see activity on the vara modem monitor screen or just the main VaraC software screen? DO I move to different SLOTS to try and "tune" incoming sigs?
I tried starting a second copy of the varac and input the file location - but didn't have a port number?
I have successfully observed my station on PSK reporter - but I have not monitoring any stations even though I have seen them on the waterfall. No joy on any receiving of signals - only on transmitting a beacon and a cq.
Thanks for any guidance - Ka0eze-- Northern Wisconsin
Hey Jim can you receive other digital modes sucessfully with the same rig and interface hardware?
I had exactly the same problem. I knew the rig and soundcard worked fine with FT8 and JS8call. Just installed VARA-HF and VarAC today on Windows11, and had good signals on the waterfall calling frequency. But nothing in the text panes of VarAC.
I didn't know which program should be started before the other, or it makes a difference. It wasn't clear from anything I found online. After I closed both programs then ran ONLY VarAC, I found that it runs VARA-HF automatically and then I started getting text in the beacon text area.
Doug, KG6U
Or if you do a quick search on this forum for FTDX3000 you will find a reference for the proper menu settings to make the FTDX3000 work on digi modes. https://www.g1exk.com/yaesu-ftdx-3000-ft8-settings
How about a screenshot of your VARA HF screen so we can see if you have your offsets set correctly.