VarAC (v6.3.3) shows a 60 meter "channel" frequency of 5.355.000 KHz, which would produce a "data" frequency of 5.356.500 KHz - illegal for use in the US (it's 2 KHz low for Ch 3 - the closest channel).
What's the plan to fix that?
Lyn - W0LEN
The VaraAC_auto_qsy_allowed_frequencies file is for a very specific use case - allowing/disallowing auto-QSY while you are away.
If one would like to QSY or to pick a slot while both of his hands on the steering wheel (VFO) then VarAC does not proihibit you from doing this.
Its only intention is to prevent from someone else make you violate the rules by steering you off the allower frequencies in your region.
If you choose to do this on your own - it is not preventing this.
N7IBC and I looked at modifying the VarAC_frequencies.conf file to list a proper USA channel allocation, and then apply a limit to the slot frequency range in the VaraAC_auto_qsy_allowed_frequencies.conf file. The VarAC_frequecies.conf file was modified to place the call channel on US channel 3 as follows:
# This file contains a list of math calling frequencies of VarAC.
# These frequencies appear on the main frequency drop-down selector on the main VarAC screen.
# You can add more frequencies to this list.
5.357.000 # USA 60m CHANNEL 3
Then the VaraAC_auto_qsy_allowed_frequencies.conf file was modified in an attempt to limit the application to a single slot on a singe channel by specifying a range of frequencies where the minimum and maximum frequency are the same and set to the USA 60m channel 4 allocation as follows:
# This file contains ranges of frequencies that you allow to auto-QSY to without your intervention.
# When a QSY invitation is received, and you are in 'allow auto-qsy' mode, VarAC will make sure
# the target QSY frequency is within the allowed range. Otherwise, the QSY invitation will be rejected
# These are 'Dial' frequencies. VARA will occupy an additional 1.75KHz from the dial freq.
# It is your responsibility to know what your band limits are.
5.371.500-5.371.500 # USA 60m CHANNEL 4
This did not produce the desire result. With these changes, clicking on CQ and then looking at the slot sniffer does not show a single slot on 5.371.500, but a range of frequencies appear that are not compliant with the USA band allocation. It isn't clear exactly how the softwarwe uses the data from the qsy file, but it is clear that specifying a range of frequencies is not appropriate in the USA, while quite appropriate in Europe.
If the VaraAC_auto_qsy_allowed_frequencies.conf file were to allow an expression of an array of channels, which would be used as slots, this could be resolved. A JSON format would easily support this. As an example, targeting the USA allocation follows:
{ "min": 14101250, "max": 14108750 },
{ "min": 7101250, "max": 7108750 },
{ "min": 1991250, "max": 1998000 },
{ "min": 3591250, "max": 3598000 },
{ "channels": [5330500,5345600,5357000,5371500,5403500 ] },
{ "min": 10129250, "max": 10136750 },
{ "min": 18103250, "max": 18110750 },
{ "min": 21101250, "max": 21108750 },
{ "min": 24923250, "max": 24930750 },
{ "min": 28101250, "max": 28108750 },
{ "min": 50325250, "max": 50333750 }
The next example targets the EU allocation:
{ "min": 14101250, "max": 14108750 },
{ "min": 7101250, "max": 7108750 },
{ "min": 1991250, "max": 1998000 },
{ "min": 3591250, "max": 3598000 },
{ "min": 5351500, "max": 5366500 },
{ "min": 10129250, "max": 10136750 },
{ "min": 18103250, "max": 18110750 },
{ "min": 21101250, "max": 21108750 },
{ "min": 24923250, "max": 24930750 },
{ "min": 28101250, "max": 28108750 },
{ "min": 50325250, "max": 50333750 }
Json is not the only possible solution here. XML is one of a number of other possiblities.
Obviously the code would need to be modified to detect whether a range or list of channels was indicated for the slot definitions.
If this modification were performed, VaraAC could be customized for use by other services outside of Amateur Radio (where channel allocations occur and whole ranges of frequencies are not allocated).
73, Ray (W7CIA)
TL;DR If you use VarAC on 60M, you risk DHS busting down your door at 3 AM and shooting your dog. ;)
This 5335 KHz frequency built into VarAC is a problem for us US amateurs. Let's face it: people who are installing and using what is a new program to them make certain assumptions, including any channel frequencies provided by the program being legit for their use. Especially since the 60m band amateur allocation is so relatively new here in the US, and the operation of ham radios in those five 2.8KHz wide bandwidth channels require some level of technical understanding of suppressed carrier USB versus digital mode center frequency allocation, one cannot reasonably expect operators here to figure this stuff out on their own and adjust whatever software file to correct things (imagine the average commercial truck driver here fiddling with software coding).
5335 is NOT legit, and using it will invite at least the scrutiny of the US Dept Homeland Security and its CISA agency, let alone the many federal and military users who are the FCC designated PRIMARY uses of the 60m band here in the US. Worse, hams having their licenses suspended and fined, worse yet the eventual removal of amateur radio as secondary users of the 60m band if the problem becomes untenable for primary user allocation.
Beaconing (aka Sounding), extended chatting, and FT8 contesting are examples of US amateur use of the 5 designated amateur frequencies in the 60m band that potentially may invite problems even if they are on the correct frequencies. Using 60m band frequencies, such as 5335, that are reserved for federal use is like waving the red cape in the face of the bull. Since the primary use of the 60m band is for emergency communications (as defined by the FCC), then us secondary users are safest also using it for emergency communications applications. I'm one that views VarAC as useful for emcomm (as opposed to FT8 for example).
As to which of the five amateur 60m frequencies should be used: that depends upon HOW VarAC operates regarding tuning the CAT controlled radio. IF VarAC is coded to place the VARA center frequency as what appears in the list of channel choices in the app, then the appropriate FCC specified digital/CW frequency should be listed, which happens to be exactly 1.5KHz above the FCC specified suppressed USB carrier frequency when using voice. an example is channel 1: 5332 KHz. IF VarAC is coded to tune the CAT-controlled radio to the USB suppressed carrier frequency, then it must have VARA place its center frequency of its modulation 1.5KHz above that; for example, tune the radio to 5330.5 KHz, and then modulate to place the VARA center carrier at 5332 KHz. There are five such channels to choose from, but best to choose one that can be a standard used by everyone, at least everyone here in the US who are using the software. IF such frequencies vary among bands among different national telecomm authorities, perhaps separate codeplugs and be downloaded/selected/installed to help prevent hams from getting them and others into trouble.
60m band is NOT "hardly used" by amateurs. Perhaps hardly used in the EU, but different story here in the US, especially when it comes to ALE (a great use of that band BTW).
60M is a very niche place with no ability for a world wide consenzus on a frequency. Therefore a EU frequency was chose for now but once can assume it is hardly used. People can decide on a frequency they want.
We were waiting on you!