Hi VarACiers!
We usually release a version every 3-4 weeks. But this was an exception due to a MEGA-FEATURE that was on our plate. The one you have been waiting for from the early days of VarAC:
📢📢 Introducing: VarAC AUTO-QSY
Yes! For the first time ever, you can configure VarAC to perform auto QSY upon QSY invitation.
This means for example, that when connecting someone on the Calling frequency and they are away, you will be invited to send a QSY invitation and continue on a slot as long as you'd like (send those long Vmails or poke their INFO/LHR etc.)
Now, if for some of you find it a bit creepy, we have included 3 protection mechanism you can customize:
Disable this mechanism completely
Limit frequency ranges you allow to be auto-QSYed.
Block or allow Auto-QSY Band Skip (so auto QSY will be allowed on the same band only).
The whole mechanism is self-explanatory once you try it, but if you want to fully understand the principals, then here is how it works :
When you upgrade VarAC to this new version, if you have RIG control already in place, the new Auto-QSY features will be enabled by default.
VarAC will protect you from QSYing off the limits. Defaults are very conservatives and only covers VarAC slots range except in a few bands where slots 15 can go off limits. You can override the boundaries by clicking the "F" button (See screenshot down below) and edit the ranges file.
When you are away (and Auto-QSY is enabled), a new tag will be sent : <AWQ>. This signals the other side that you are open for auto-QSY. This will popup on their end a QSY frequency selector.
Once a QSY invitation is received, your rig will auto QSY as long as it is in your allowed frequency ranges.
Only after QSY, if VMails are waiting to be relayed, they will.
When the QSO ends, your RIG will auto-QSY back to the calling frequency so it is ready for the upcoming connection.
the Auto-QSY also works while in active QSO. Once an invitation is received (or sent), your rig will QSY automatically. You have a few seconds to abort it if you want.
Auto-QSY settings
But hey - that's not all. PING are now lightning FAST It now consist of a single Packet only. Ping can now be completed in 10-15 seconds. But please note that as we stated long time ago - Pings from now on are not valid for a QSO logging. As you only receive an SNR and do not send. Here is the full list of features and enhancements in VarAC V7. And if you encountered an annoying VarAC bug lately, then take a look at the end of this email where you can find a full list of bug fixes. New features
Rapid profile change - from the main screen
X4 faster ping cycle (No locator, No outgoing SNR)
X2 faster QSO handshake (Sending immediately upon connection the SNR of incoming connection request)
Automatic QSY. (Can be disabled under settings). Full control of your allowed auto-QSY frequency ranges and band skip.
Direct access to editing dropdown calling frequencies list through the Settings menu
"mute all sounds" button on the main screen
Ping time limit on CF increased to 90 seconds (although not needed now)
Changed no "BUSY" time from 10 to 5 seconds before Beaconing or relay notifications.
Clicking a URL inside a broadcast now opens a browser
Quick send "ALL" button when writing a new broadcast.
When setting text from the data stream to log name/qth/loc, now trimming white spaces.
When sending an image file, it also shows in the data-stream for the sender
relay notifications - Showing when and where a station was last Beaconed or CQed
Changing data-stream & broadcast section font to "Segoe UI Emoji" Under "Linux compatible mode" to allow Emojis with Linux.
Allowing self connect (connecting VarAC from another VarAC with the same callsign)
When in 'away' status and receiving a Verbose SNR invitation, your VarAC will automatically reject it.
QSY will take place when the PTT is off as some rigs can not QSY during a TX.
To upgrade from an existing VarAC version:
Download the VarAC Zip file.
Unpack to a temporary directory.
Copy ONLY the VarAC.exe file to your existing VarAC installation directory.
As always - we are always there for you on our Forum, our Facebook group, and also on our new Telegram group. I would like to thank our Beta team for investing their precious time in testing and bug-reporting. TU guys Now go have fun and QSY! 73, Irad 4Z1AC & the VarAC team.
Here are some screenshots of the new stuff in V7.0.8 Rapid Profile switch & Mute all sounds
Broadcast ALL button
Bug fixes
VarAC crashed upon narration.
Broadcast popup blocked any engagement with the main VarAC app. Solved.
VarAC sporadic exceptions - Added validation for dequeue operations, Checking if the queue is not empty.
"Broadcast reply" was always sent to "ALL"
Deleting a relay notification always deleted the last line and not the selected line
When clicking a slot ID on the QSY invitation windows, the button is not marked as "checked" upon first click
Checking double QSY also on free-form QSY (QSY #)
Right click-> Connect on callsigns did not move to the slot like in double-clicking.
If CQ Slot selector was disabled under settings, it ignored the slot on the CQ/Beacons list
VarAC crashed when receiving CQ through 2 digipeaters.
Dear Irad
your new V7 is a hit. The automatic QSY works flawless. It is like sending SMS's around.
Also the very quick ping process is superb.
Thanks for providing us with this beautiful digi mode program
Bernard, HB9ALH