By @NC3Z Gary
You can set an Alert that will trigger and Audible and Visual Alert when certain keywords are decoded in either a Broadcast or Data Stream. These are set in the Alert Tags configuration setting. These are all case sensitive.

As an example, when the word ALERT is decoded your VarAC will make a sound and highlight the transmission containing the keyword in the colors you chose in the configuration.

We can use this feature to highlight Weather events, EMCOMM, ect by coordianting with your group on the syntax of the alerts you want to use. You could use such things among your group such as WX NC or NC EMCOMM and it is not just letters you can use special characters such as [NC AUXC] it is up to you. The cool thing is once you have your alerts setup for your group you can share your alert config file with your group. It is in the VarAC folder and it is called VarAC_alert_tags.conf

brilliant solution