Hi Irad and group,
This is not a BUG, I would call it a feature request. The problem is as follows below:
When I am out of the house operating VarAC mobile or portable, I always use /M or /P as a special suffix.
If I send a VMAIL to someone and he replies back his reply is addressed to M0SUY/M or M0SUY/P which is normal.
When I return home and I receive a VMAIL RELAY NOTIFICATION, I receive to my callsign without the special suffix which is normal because when I am at home I do not use a special suffix.
Then I click at the RELAY button hoping to receive my VMAIL which is waiting for me at the other station!
Here is the big problem:
When I connect to the RELAY station I do not receive anything because the VMAIL is addressed to M0SUY/M or M0SUY/P. If I disconnect, change temporarily M0SUY to M0SUY/M in Settings-My info and reconnect, then I receive the VMAIL which is waiting for me!
I propose that you change the code to enable VarAC ignore anything afterethe "/" including the "/" and connect to M0SUY even though the VMAIL is addressed to M0SUY/M or M0SUY/P just like it happens to the RELAY NOTIFICATION Mechanism. The way VarAC works now is very mileading and many guys who use a special preffix and when they return back home they will be wondering why do they connect to the RELAY station and they never receive any VMAIL eventhough they have received a VMAIL NOTIFICATION from the RELAY station.
73 de Demetre M0SUY
I'll checl