Now, here is a feature request which will probably be rejected but I post it nevertheless.
During long VarAC QSOs we get a good amount of SNR graph data. We can see how a band changes over time in terms of propagation and detect QSB patterns, etc. Sometimes we also clearly see the effect of local radio noise differences. After all, SNR means Signal to Noise Ratio or more precisely:
SNR/dB = 20 x log10 (V_signal / V_noise) (both voltages are across the same impedance)
During shorter QSOs however, the graphs often look like this:
Not very meaningful at all because there are just not enough points. We can't always have longer chats - that is understood.
Now here is my request: I would like to keep a connection going over 30 minutes or thereabouts for the sake of collecting SNR data. Of course this would only apply and be limited to QSO frequency slots (not on a calling frequency). The distant station can be "AWAY", so only one operator is needed. I know it may be a somewhat esoteric request but then we have for example which is dedicated to the science aspect of our wonderful hobby.
Any suggestions, comments, critiques are most welcome.
73 from down-under
Dieter, VK3FFB
SNR Verbose mode is out in V6 which provide a solution to your ask.