Hi. Noticed a anomaly with new version v3.6.5 that the <DISC> command was omitted.
I sent out a canned message which included 73's and a <DISC> command but it got maybe confused with the outgoing prompt with the R-report.
The canned message at 11:26:15 did go out but VARA-HF did not response to the disconnect request or VarAC failed to recognize it. I clicked the DISCONNECT-button then at 11:26:50 and the connection was gracefully disconnected.
VarAC log:
27/04/2022 11:22:45 - LOCATOR Received: JO22jp
27/04/2022 11:26:07 - Report Received: -5
27/04/2022 11:26:50 - Disconnecting PA0LDE
27/04/2022 11:26:57 - Disconnected from PA0LDE
27/04/2022 11:26:57 - Loggin QSO with PA0LDE
27/04/2022 11:26:59 - Yes
27/04/2022 11:26:59 - Changing frequency: QSY back
VARA-HF log:
2022-04-27 11:15:51 Connected to PA0LDE VARA HF v4.6.1
2022-04-27 11:26:50 DISCONNECT command received
2022-04-27 11:26:57 PA0LDE Average S/N: 14,1 dB
2022-04-27 11:26:57 Disconnected TX: 1158 Bytes (Max: 270 bps) RX: 607 Bytes (Max: 270 bps) Session Time: 11:06
Well done, thanks!
Where's the Buy Me A Coffee button for you?