Hi everybody!
The 30m band is ideal for digital exchange, like other already do. Packet Radio , Robust Packet Radio, APRS and others.
So, for testing options, my station is running on 30m this night and maybe other nights as well. So, try to connect or Vmail.
30m needs more VaraC :-)!
73 Andre
I just read your text and will be attempting to monitor and use varaAC on 30 meters ...hope to meet some new contacts ....de KB2RSK
Grid loc FN22QW
I usually try and get on 30 meters after dinner (0400 UTC) most evenings. I am new to VarAC and haven't had any contact on 30 meters. I think having a central "Calling Frequency " is vidal to connecting up on the different bands. Operators changing this "Calling Frequency" just make it harder to find other operators for a QSO. I will use the default frequency of 10.133 as written in the program.
I will try and get on 30 meters most nights. I try and get on between 0200-0400 UTC. I've been trying to get operators on 30 meters with other modes too. Seems not many people want to operate on 30 for some reason. Maybe no antennas, not sure. I'm new at VarAC but getting familiar the last few days. I've been on 30 tonight about 1 hour and see nobody on pskreporter anywhere.
Fully agree with you Andre! Also I am trying to activate 30m VarAC. PSKreporter shows around a dozen stations in the past 24 hours, but the chance of meeting one another on the time axis is very low. I remember the good old times when I had PACTOR contacts to VK/ZL almost daily, running 25W into a simple vertical antenna. Let's continue to activate this wonderful band!
73, Markus HB9BRJ / AE6MG
Nothing :-( It´s so bad NOT to use 30m. Because on weekend we often have contests around the world and of course the Vara QRGs are used as well. So, WARC would be without contest and very great for digital modes.
If I get a chace will look for you. Had brilliant QSO with a VK5 an hour ago.... BUT..... SADLY.... on JS8CALL. Both VARAC and JS8CALL are brilliant modes
So, today again 15th of Feb. My station is running at 30m Band tonight. Just try!