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Forum Posts

Dave - G8LIY
Oct 01, 2023
In Feature requests
Hi, When used in a Radio Club Environment you have the "STATION_CALLSIGN" of the Club, in the normal Setup Screen. But in the UK(Others.?), when any type of Call is logged you need the STATION_CALLSIGN, and OPERATOR in the Log Can a field be added to Main Screen to Enter an OPERATOR Callsign, it can default to "STATION_CALLSIGN", with the option to "over type" it with "OPERATOR" Callsign. It would need the corresponding "OPERATOR" element adding to adif file creation. Many Thanks... Dave G8LIY
Dave - G8LIY
Oct 01, 2023
In Feature requests
Hi, In the VARAC adif file the field "MY_GRIDSQUARE" is missing data.? Thanks... Dave
Dave - G8LIY
Mar 05, 2023
In VarAC - HF discussion forum
I have spotting enabled... 2 Stations on 10M, Nothing on PSK REporter..?? Any ideas..?? Thanks .. Dave / G8LIY
No Spots content media
Dave - G8LIY
Mar 05, 2023
In Feature requests - Archive
Hello Would it be possible to have options for lower beacon times..?? If the QRG/Frequency is greater > than 30MHZ Then have options for 30sec / 1min / 5min I would really like to try this on 40MHz / 8M, I have Research Licence 40MHz Also it would be very useful for 4M / 70MHz & 2M / 144MHz Thanks for your consideration... 73 Dave / G8LIY
Dave - G8LIY
Jan 30, 2023
In VarAC - HF discussion forum
Hi, I asked on FB, but no specific response. I have copied my Vara Modem folder contents to a 2nd "monitor" folder. In VARAC on settings/config page(below) VARA Monitor just shows "Port" Which port does this refer to..?? Command or KISS when I setup the 2nd modem Many Thanks... Dave ~ G8LIY
Adding Monitor Vara HF Modem. content media
Dave - G8LIY
Dec 27, 2022
In VarAC - HF discussion forum
Hi, I started a thread/post on FB with Gary, NC3Z,, But I think it maybe better here.? Using FT-991A Currently run FT8 quite frequently, Bandwidth is set to 3200 Hz (per JT's "Wide as possible") When I Start VARAC the Bandwidth is still at 3200 HZ, I do see the "Red Tramlines" spaced 500 Hz Gary sent some details and references about CAT commands That could possibly be set in the config file when VARAC starts to set Bandwidth to 500 Hz and then return to 3200 Hz on exiting VARACt.?? I download the FT-991A CAT Manual, looked at the commands Gary mentioned, NA = NARROW on Pg: 13 and SH = WIDTH on Pg: 16 I'm not sure what and where to start, basically understand concept, clueless on the "How To.?" Any guidance would be very welcome... Cheers... Dave
Dave - G8LIY
Dec 06, 2022
In Bugs - Fixed
Very minor observation... I'm a touch OCD Settings > RIG Control and VARA Configurations When you click on the (?) next to "Allow incoming Pings" The PopUp Hint... "Be Default" should be "By Default"
Forum Posts: Members_Page

Dave - G8LIY

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