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Forum Posts
Jan 12, 2025
In Bug reports
This is a strange one.
I used the QSL card creator in the BETA version of the latest VarAC, and all worked great. I tried it again today, and VarAC crashes, leaving me at the desktop with VARA-HF running.
If I click on a picture in the "Pictures" folder in Windows 11, the photo loads and displays fine.
I'm using Windows 11. No other programs are running, except what Windows needs, and VARA-HF, of course. I've done a cold boot, and the problem remains.
Dec 19, 2024
In Bug reports
Running 10.2.1, and VARA-HF 4.8.9 on Win 11.
When a URL is received, there is no way to select JUST that URL from lines of text received. (It cannot be highlighted and copy-pasted into a browser). The entire block of text can be copied, but not just the URL.
Clicking on the URL in the received text also no longer starts the browser (Chrome or Edge) with the URL automatically pasted into it (which is how I think it used to work).
Nov 01, 2024
In Bugs - Archive
Clicking on the arrow on the right, will open the mode window, but it closes when the mouse button is released, or when the mouse pointer is moved to select a mode. Using Win 11 and VarAC 10.2.0
Oct 27, 2024
In VarAC - HF discussion forum
I have several friends who enjoy long QSO's, and can end up sending 3 or 4 lines of text in response to a comment, or question. I do the same.
As things stand now, the data stream window understandably scrolls up with each line of received text, and I don't have time to find or read earlier text before it's scrolled off the screen.
I'm thinking perhaps a simple window could be opened that would show all the data of the CURRENT QSO, in a static form, which could be browsed, and commented on (perhaps even copied FROM that window to the "New Message" window, while in QSO, )
Additional text from the data stream window would be appended to the text in that window, when it was closed, and show up too, the next time this "static window" was opened in the QSO.
Is this possible?
Jul 10, 2024
In Bug reports
I'm running VarAC 9.2.3. RELAY is showing RED, clicking on it, shows a list of two stations holding VMAIL, and when those stations are displayed in the BEACON list, the "envelope" is shown, indicating they are holding mail.
I've contacted both stations, chatted with the operator, and they confirm that at one time they held VMAIL for me, but do not now.
I did not try to to pick up my VMAIL from them.
No messages are in my VMAIL either.
73, Joe
Jun 23, 2024
In Bugs - Archive
Since doing the upgrade, I've had problems getting this feature to work. It worked perfectly in 9.1.0.
What happens is that when the limit is reached, the screen stops showing data, and the prompt to display data in a new window never appears. (The progress bar at the bottom left of the screen continues to show that data is being received during this time.)
If I scroll back with the mouse, I will see the prompt, and can click it to open the second window as before.
I've not changed anything in my VarAC settings, and have been using 14 point font, as always.
Herei is a screen shot of received text once I scroll back up
73, Joe
Apr 22, 2024
In Bugs - Archive
Since installing VarAC 9.1.0, I find that the "is typing" notification is blocking some text in the data stream window. I'm using windows 11, and a 24 inch monitor. This notification has never been an issue till the upgrade.
Mar 13, 2024
In Bugs - Archive
I recently switched to a much shorter USB cable between the rig and my PC (6 Ft long vs 14 Ft log). There never was a problem when using the longer cable, but since switching, I've experienced what others have mentioned on the Facebook group.
The only way to extinguish the indicator, is to keep decreasing the "microphone" setting in Windows 11 till about 70 %. At that point, the indicated volume in VARA-HF is so low that nothing is decoded. My receive bandwidth is 600 Hz, as usual.
No changes have been made to rig settings. The only difference is the shorter cable. All other digital software continues to work as expected (JTDX, FLDIGI/FLRIG, Multi-PSK).
73, Joe
Jan 11, 2024
In VarAC on Linux/Pi/Mac
I've just installed parallels and have 2 weeks to try before I biy. I'd really like to get VarAC/VARA-HF working in WIN 11 on my M1 Mini.
Win 11 runs fine, but is not seeing the rig. Maybe I need to install the CP210X driver?
Also, as mentioned in the title, VarAC insists I do not have my callsign entered, despite the fact that all the info shows up when I'm in the "settings" screen.
Any help would be appreciated.
Jun 16, 2023
In Feature requests
I think it would be great if there was a way to see which station was used as a relay with VMAIL that has been received, and perhaps even a way to automatically send a reply back the same way.
I.E. I received a VMAIL from station xxxx that was sent via a relay. I have no way of determining what relay station was used, when looking at the VMAIL later, as it only show the author of the VMAIL.
Perhaps something like wd4aaa@wd4bbb in the callsign field for the author of the VMAIL if it was sent via wd4bbb.
This information could also be saved, so that a reply, or new message would be routed the same way.
...Just a thought, as I don't know what restrictions are imposed by VARA. Perhaps some programming "black magic" could be used to indicate the relay when VMAIL send or received, which would make VarAC initiate a contact to the relay station, and then send mail to the originator?
May 10, 2023
In Feature requests - Released
Please consider having the new flags cleared after a link timeout with a station. I have noticed these flags getting sent again from a prior failed link, on the calling freq. And this can also lead to duplicate requests to change frequency etc. Thanks
May 10, 2023
In Feature requests - Archive
Please make the font for the name displayed next to the callsign larger. Thanks!
Apr 28, 2023
In Bug reports
Since switching to the latest VarAC, I've not been able to send VMAIL to a target station on a channel OTHER than the CF. If the target station does not respond to a QSY request, and the sender does not touch a key, there the sender is put back on the CF and nothing happens till a timeout occurs. Both stations are using the latest version. If the sender requests a QSY, and the target does not reply, AND then the sender aborts, the VMAIL will be sent on the CF IF there is enough time remaining (less likely, with the time on the CF reduced to 4 minutes). It USED to be that the sender could request a QSY, and the target station would QSY even when "AWAY', and the transfer could take place. This appears to no longer be the case. If a "live" OP is required at both ends of the connection, for a VMAIL to be sent, then this (in my opinion) is a mistake, as it forces VMAIL back onto the CF.
Mar 23, 2023
In Feature requests - Archive
I initially requested this feature over a month ago, but think it got lost in the shuffle, as I never saw it commented on, so I'm asking again. Please consider a feature where a CQ would re repeated "X" number of times (up to some pre-set limit, built into the program). After the time limit had expired (where the program now goes back to the CF), the 2nd would begin, and so on, up to the limit that was set. The operator could disable the CQ by hitting the ESCAPE key, reverting to the calling freq, ro clicking in the "box" on the right side of the screen, to abort as now.
Mar 22, 2023
In Feature requests
It would be great if the callsign history could be edited "after the fact", (station and opereator/QTH info) and perhaps even include a "comments" area.
Mar 18, 2023
In Bug reports
This has happened 3 times in the past two days. Most recently, I went in to look at settings after disconnecting from a QSO. The window displayed properly, and I closed it (I think, by the usual method of clicking of the red X, but I'm not sure). After that, VarAC continued to run, but the program was totally unresponsive to any keyboard or mouse input. I regained control by right clicking on the task bar and noticed the settings window still was active. Once I closed it (right click, then "close window") I was able to re-start VarAC, VARA-HF, etc.
Feb 25, 2023
In VarAC - HF discussion forum
I was on Jose's site this morning and see that he has released version 4.7.4. I could not find any info on what this release does, in the way of bug fixes, or other changes. Should we upgrade to it?
Feb 14, 2023
In VarAC - HF discussion forum
Just worked my 1st Polish station with VarAC. DX of any kind here on the west coast is hard to come by for me. The QSO was on 10. I was running 100W to a vertical.
Feb 06, 2023
In Feature requests - Archive
I'd like to see an option where a CQ would repeat say, 5 cycles. (Of course, before calling CQ, you'd sniff the slot, to make sure it was clear.). The way I see this working would be to have the CQ go out again on the calling QRG, after the first waiting period had expired. Then, VarAC would return to the initial slot to listen for a reply If a station answered the CQ, the cycle would stop, and (obviously) after the 5th cycle, the cycle would stop.
Feb 04, 2023
In VarAC - HF discussion forum
I have had several QSO's over the past couple of weeks where I have had the old "link lockup/timeout" bug assert itself. I thought it was just me, but I've also had several others I've been in QSO with mention that they've had the same thing happen. (I'm referring to the issue where VARA-HF simply stops polling the link, and anything that is in the TX buffer is also not sent.). When this happens, the station I'm in QSO with ALSO stops polling the link. 73, Joe
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