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Forum Posts

May 15, 2022
In Troubleshooting
Congratulations, your latest varac 3.7.9 with 847rig now can handle the ft847 with PTT over RTS or CTS and CAT over serial-com. Here the specific ft847 requirements as I have it working: PTT and modulation must be on the same connector with ptt over RTS or CTS, and NOT ptt over cat The PKT connector is ONLY for FM. The Data-In-Out connector is ONLY for all except FM, usually SSB. VaraHF uses Data-In-Out. The circuit diagram in Yaesu-manual-(my page 16) has a wrong capacitor with 10uF in "afsk-out". I must use 0.47uF. With 10uF my ptt switches too slowly.
Apr 28, 2022
In Bugs - Archive
Hello ! The FT847 with Omnirg PTT and modulation issue might have found a workaround: In DTR/RTS config Com1 and RTS must be selected, although gray. In Omnirig RTS-High must be selected (because then a PTT transistor switches on and pulls PTT down). I had to switch a few times this RTS-Hi to Lo, save, switch back to Hi again and than PTT together with modulation mostly worked. I must kill Omnirig (Task manager) after varAC because it stays running and stays sitting on Com1. When there should be time to adress the problem: The FT847 MUST get PTT (from RTS) and modulation at the same connector. When PTT comes as a command, then FT847 doesn't know from where to modulate. Simply: NO PTT command must be sent when using RTS pin. Sound effects: with only one soundcard the "application sounds" go to the gig modulator (at least my sounds). Strange that I even got PTT with "application sounds" putting these "application sounds" to the antenna instead my ears. Unchecking the use of these sounds stopps that. Thanks in advance, Michael
Apr 18, 2022
In Bugs - Archive
Hello ! I thought with omniRig the ft874 it works. Doesn't and can't: omniRig 2.1 makes only endless error messages. Earlier omniRig don't PTT with RTS in varac. FT847 needs RTS PTT on HF-data-in, when not PTT on HF-data-in it will not modulate from HF-data-in. So varac CAT file might do it but doesn' find ft847. OmniRig "works" but does PTT with CAT commands (no modulation) and omniRig can't switch RTS (would modulate) with varac. So it only can "send" without modulation. The "best" but also crazy was that varac with omniRig and ft847 switches PTT permanently on after it received CQ (??? funy ?). Fortunately PTT without modulation makes no significant SSB power. So pleace, if CAT ft847 could be solved (and found in menu), my old ft847 could also participate. Thanks, Michael
Apr 16, 2022
In Bugs - Archive
Hello ! I understand that CAT is not yet fully ready. When I use latest "VarAC_cat_commands.ini" with ft847 the 847 appears in PTT (still PTT doesn't work) but not in Frequency control (so also doesn't work). With both OmniRig PTT and Frequency are working, but I must kill Omnirig (Task Manager) to get the serial com port free when I end with varAC - OmniRig usually doesn't close with closing varAC. CAT would be nicer then Omnirig to avoid this process-killing-issue. Thanks, Michael


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