Awesome new features! File forwarding and Vmail notifications are very useful adds for the Emcomm toolbox. Now if we could crack the 2300 BW Emcomm slot feature for HF. I've been a digital station for local ARES drills here in Washington state and the amount of traffic I'm passing makes having the higher bandwidth capability very useful... almost essential. For example, when sending the ARES team's consolidated activation reports to the EOC, time is of the essence. Also, we have drills specifically for Earthquake preparedness (Cascadia Fault) where we assume local infrastructure will not be available. Using an NVIS antenna configuration and 40M or 80M HF, I connect with a station 150-300 Miles away using Winlink/VARA HF. This will be the most likely P2P scenario in the event of a large Earthquake.
73s and again, thank you for VARA AC! It will save lives.
Brian, K7RUT