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Forum Posts

Pasquale Canu DC4CP
Sep 18, 2022
In Bugs - Fixed
Since version V5.3.1 I have double log entries. Qso with NC3Z made wuth my main computer, 1 QSO and 1 Ping (just for test) made with remote computer and radio, same VarAC Version. Logging to HRD Logbook. 73´s de DC4CP
Double log entries content media
Pasquale Canu DC4CP
Sep 11, 2022
In Bugs - Fixed
Hello Irad, Not sure if it also happened at CQ, but in the Last heard beacon list the 60 meter band is missing as an indication where the beacon was heard. I also posted it in the facebook group to see if anyone else has this problem too. 73´s de DC4CP
60 meter band missing in Last Heard list content media
Pasquale Canu DC4CP
Feb 08, 2022
In VarAC - HF discussion forum
Hi Irad, I have noticed that the beacon timer resets itself when you go higher or lower with a preset 750hz. This is probably because VarAC sees this as a change. For example i am listening on 7105 with beacon on and see or hear traffic on 7104.250 so if I choose this frequency in VarAC to monitor then my beacon timer will reset and send a beacon on 7104.250. 73´s de DC4CP Pasquale
Pasquale Canu DC4CP
Jan 19, 2022
In Feature requests - Released
Is it possible to add also 2 meter / 70 cm to the dropdown menu for manual logging ? A test yesterday with PD1NIE on 144Mhz was very good even with a practically inaudible signal the speed was very good. Best 73´s de DC4CP
No 2 meter in VarAC log dropdown menu. content media

Pasquale Canu DC4CP

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