Using VarAC V8.6.2 / VARA HF v4.8.6
I'm getting very good RX speeds generally (over 200 bps on average) but my TX speeds vary wildly, and often are 18 bps.
Is there any configuration on the modem or software that might be affecting this? Is this all driven by the RF connection between myself and my QSO partner?
I'm looking for optimization advice.
73, Mark - KD2NOM
Developed in Spain by EA5HVK, "VARA" is a very sophisticated DSP data modem that runs on sound cards connected to radios with the typical "sound card interface". It comes in two versions: One adapted for HF over SSB transceivers, and a separate version adapted for the greater audio bandwidth of FM transceivers on VHF/UHF. Both versions are adaptive - they will automatically adjust modulation formats & transmission speeds upward or downward depending on the quality of the radio path and radio bandwidths in use.
Says nothing about file size being a condition of transfer speed.