If you are here it is because you know the potential of VARA combined with the VarAC program, and you can imagine how powerful using it in EmComm could be.
Surely many of us already have experience with EmComm groups and many know that each country, each group, often operates in a different way in the field of emergency communications, what does not change in case of need, is the possibility of sending and receiving messages when other lines of communication fail.
Here the idea was born together with PE1LUP Marcel and SV1UY (M0SUY) Dimitrios, also from the Beta Lab Team, to involve the stations already active and available, to become part of this network.
What is required:
Nothing, at the moment we just want to know if there is interest.
We don't want to create a machine that is difficult to keep upright, but effective!
If you are interested and have your say, leave your comment.
Thanks Irad, now (with the next update) the stations that will be made available by EMCOMM will be recognizable, so as to have points of reference.
Hello. I am interested in contacting stations that use VARA HF in New Castle, Australia and Tauranga, New Zealand as I have family in these places and I want to have an alternative emergency means to be able to communicate with them if necessary. My call sign is LU7JDF, name Max. Email ing.maximo.muller@gmail.com. Thank you.
We have an active VarAC group in South Africa who focus largely on using VarAC for Emcomm. It is great to see other folks following similar approaches - we can learn from each other. I have also learnt a lot of strategy from the EDM training group who use both VarAc and Winlink only in P2P mode.
While I use VarAC for emcomm work in the USA, differentiating stations that are or are not "emcomm" doesn't matter to me. The areas I work in require known participants, thus I'm not looking for random stations beaconing in emcomm mode. As a communications manager, unknown stations are ignored because I don't know their capabilities. I don't deal in H&W traffic.
I just found out about this EmComm mode with the latest update and downloaded it right away. Will there be a video on how to use these features?
I am interested in learning more about using VARA in ECOM. I am located in south Central Kansas. Bret C / AC0AE
Interested. I'm N9HEL, AuxComm in Nassau County Florida. We're trying to set up an FM Winlink node back to our hardened EOC and have started to experiment with P2P VarAC for messaging. We just set up a 24/7 2 meter radio in the EOC and we're getting people on board with FM handi's and laptops to run VarAC. 8 miles at 1 watt has gotten a lot of people interested!
I'm the Radio Manager for the Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Service British Columbia Canada. Presently we use Pactor SCS-PTC to past messages when required
I am interested. I am on an EmComm group EDM that does P2P. It has used VarAC for messages and certainly will in the future.
I am interested. An EmComm group that I am a member of has been watching VarAC development for some time.