Hello, VarACiers!
We are delighted to introduce VarAC V8.4.4 to you today, featuring a host of thrilling new enhancements. This release primarily centers around a comprehensive overhaul of the DataStream, encompassing changes to its appearance and behavior, alongside the addition of numerous exciting new features.
Introducing: DataStream Tabular view
Until today, the DataStream consisted of a mere collection of incoming and outgoing rows without a defined structure. However, it has now been transformed into a structured format, comprising rows and columns that allow you to easily discern the actions and timestamps of each contributor. If you prefer the traditional view, you can navigate to Settings, select Appearance, go to DataStream Tabular View, and uncheck the option.
Introducing: Reply on message
We've all experienced this situation during a leisurely QSO, where your response to a message/question can be delayed and, and seems disconnected from the ongoing conversation. Following the convention of contemporary chat applications, you can now utilize the "Reply" icon located on the right. When used, your reply will be neatly linked to the corresponding message, ensuring context is maintained.
Introducing: DataStream Image viewer
Upon receiving an image, it will now be displayed as a compact thumbnail within its designated column in your DataStream. Clicking on this thumbnail will open the image in a separate window, allowing you to expand it for better visibility, making resizing a breeze.
Introducing: DataStream history load
Tired of the empty DataStream every time you launch VarAC? Say goodbye to that frustration! Now, VarAC will automatically load the previous 24 hours of DataStream activity upon startup, allowing you to seamlessly pick up where you left off.
Introducing: DataStream data picker
Previously, it could be quite a challenge to pick specific segments of your chat while the DataStream continuously filled with new messages, causing everything to shift around. However, with the latest update, you can effortlessly right-click on a row and choose "QSO Log - Set Name/QTH/Loc," which will open the message in a separate window, allowing you to conveniently copy or tag specific portions of it.
Introducing: My VarAC statistics
You've likely pondered these questions: How many VarAC QSOs have I conducted? What was the highest SNR report I ever received? With V8.4.4, we introduce a summary dashboard that compiles these (and many other) intriguing statistics. Additionally, we plan to incorporate even more features into this model in future releases. To access your individual statistics dashboard, just navigate to Tools -> Statistics.
Introducing: VarAC New version indicator
Starting today, VarAC will keep you informed about updates. A new indicator in the top right corner will illuminate when a new version becomes available. Clicking the link will direct you to the VarAC website, where you can download the latest version.
Introducing: Prepopulating QSO log data
With the introduction of V8.4.4, when you establish a connection with a station, it will now automatically fill in your QSO log entries based on your prior QSOs. However, should new data be received during the ongoing QSO, it will seamlessly overwrite the pre-loaded information.
Introducing: CQ/Beacon country name
Hover your mouse cursor over a CQ/Beacon, and the tooltip will now display the corresponding country name.
Introducing: Unattended links checkbox
Another significant addition is the introduction of the unattended links checkbox. Certain regulations, like FCC Part 97.221, authorize unattended links on specific frequencies only, with beaconing remaining a permissible operation. If you want to maintain beaconing functionality while, for any reason, you need to disable incoming connections while you are away, you can now find a new checkbox on the primary VarAC console to achieve this. Kindly be aware that incoming connections will be declined exclusively when the "I'm Away" status is activated, whether done manually or automatically.
But hold on, there's more! Here's an extensive list of all the thrilling new features and enhancements in VarAC V8.4.4:
>>New features
DataStream refactor - New Layout, New features!
Tabular view
Load chat history upon VarAC startup - Continue where you left it
Image viewer - Click an image thumbnail to view magnify
New "Name/QTH/Locator" selector from the DataStream.
VarAC new version indicator
Showing the country name in the hoover tooltip for CQ/Beacons
Copy text - copy a single message (Broadcast or DataStream) using the right click menu.
Load preexisting QSO log data upon connection (New setting. Default ON).
Unattended links suppression - For those frequencies where local regulations does not allow unattended links to be made.
My VarAC statistics
Show operator name in a Vmail.
Hide empty fields in a Vmail.
Adding VFO A/B control for OmniRig users (new setting)
Applying PSK-Reporter custom link also to all PSK-Reporter lookup in VarAC.
Filter Vmails time from the past X days to improve loading time for large Vmailboxes.
Extended the tooltip popup time from 12 to 20 seconds.
VarAC cluster new ""ini" parameter: PTTLock. Enables/Disables the cluster PTT lock mechanism. For VarAC clusters with independent Rigs and antennas.
Logging every QSO by default to the internal VarAC DB regardless to the actual logging to the ADIF file/Logger application.To upgrade from an existing VarAC version:
Download the VarAC Installer and run it.
Select the current folder where your VarAC resides.
The installer will keep your existing settings and history.
If you prefer the traditional method, we've got you covered as always with a ZIP package (see link below the download button)Don't forget - we are always there for you on our Forum, our Facebook group, and also on our Telegram group.
As is our tradition, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to our Beta team for dedicating their valuable time to thoroughly test the new version.73,
Irad 4Z1AC & the VarAC team.
Bug fixes
Disconnecting the DTR/RTS ports when opening the settings screen to avoid "COM port is busy" messages during PTT tests.
IF QSYing back to the CF, the "QSY from CF" alert may show negative seconds.
When no frequency read is possible, an error pop up on screen when clicking the "#" (free-form QSY)
Handling an error message that appears when updating the instance keepalive record in the SQLite DB when in cluster mode.
When someone connects you, send you a QSY invitation and disconnect before the QSY happens, you remain on the QSY frequency and never go back to the CF.
VARA SAT bugs :
TUNE button remained disabled after a CQ call
QSY wizard to support also GHz (For VARA-SAT)
VarAC tries to set to 500HZ bandwidth upon startup
Thank you- really enjoying the program.