There are numerous tutorials for installing VarAC (and VARA) on a Linux/Pi.
As some installtions can be different than others, we have brought to you 3 tutorials from our VarAC community member.
Installation kit (By K7MHI @kellykeeton)
Follow these instructions on this github page:
MANUAL (By K7MHI @kellykeeton)
This is how it looks...

I assume this will work on 32bitDebian (had a report of no) I do run in 64bit mode bullseye RPi4 fully updated to the day of this post. the very nice Build-A-Pi project is also used to load ham software.
There are some nice tools for ham radio included in this project.
1. Install WineLink
WineLink deploys WINE with a full Winlink RMS version and VARA using this following project script. We only need the WINE and the VARA modem part of it but this installer simplifies the installation.
2. Install WINE fonts that are needed by VarAC
sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
Also follow the instructions here to install "Segoe UI Emoji" font which is also required by VarAC.
3. Download VarAC
Download, unzip and place the files in the ~/.wine/drive_c/VarAC directory
4. Launch VarAC
Using the following command. You can use in a menu.desktop object:
env WINEDEBUG=-all wine /home/pi/.wine/drive_c/VarAC/VarAC.exe
I had to launch a few times and get the settings saved and working but it did work with no major issues! using a IC-705.
5. Enable "Linux compatible mode" in VarAC settings
You can do it by directly editing the VarAC.ini file using the following command:
sed -i 's/LinuxCompatibleMode=OFF/LinuxCompatibleMode=ON/' ~/.wine/drive_c/VarAC/VarAC.ini
Or alternatively you can launch VarAC and do it through the settings menu:
Go to Settings --> Rig control & Vara configuration
Check the "Linux compatible mode" checkbox:
Click Save & Exit

OS/HW specific configuration
by @kellykeeton
Pi5 & Bookworm:
Pi5 only bookworm 16K pagesize is incompatible with wine/box (Dec42023)
Switch to 4k-page by adding 'kernel=kernel8.img' to /boot/config.txt
To manually install VARA and VarAC on a Pi:
Load up Pi-Apps via
run: wget -qO- | bash
Use the Pi-Apps GUI navigate to Tools->Emulation
Install Box86 (also installs wine)
Install DLL with winetricks by running "winetricks" from CLI
Press OK for 'default prefix'
Choose install a DLL or component
Select some needed DLL and press OK to install
comdlg32ocx, pdh-nt4, vb6run
Download Vara, VarAC
Install them all, if you install VarAC first it will open the Vara Modem download page
from CLI you can run setup’s with "wine setup.exe"
copy all the OCX files in VARA rather then set paths or register
cp ~/.wine/drive_c/VARA/OCX/* ~/.wine/drive_c/VARA/
Works. I don't have to install windows afterall thank God!